
single-use (online) Questions the impact of plastic on our planet and our complex relationship with this material.
headphones (online) We look at interesting ways to look at how people look at their phones a lot.
ocean?action! (online) Juxtaposes the tranquility of the ocean with the cacophony of urban life, urging reflection on opposing forces in our environment.
sides (online) Examines communication breakdown and perspective by physically separating participants, highlighting how messages can be misconstrued and misinterpreted.
welcome2country (online) The project uses phonetic and non-phonetic repetition of words, simplistic mimicry of movements, and imagery to illustrate how rituals can degrade and transform within a short period.
jobs (art participation)
cassette remixes (offline) An exercise in the vandalism of an invalid medium (tape cassette) by subverting its valid IP (music recording).
fanning flames (offline) The exhibition confronts themes such as the failure of democracy, environmental degradation, information overload, and the repercussions of mass consumption.
blackface (online) The project delves into the complexities of representation, bias, and the creation of identity in portraiture. (cultural appropriation)
our garden (online) HTML serves as a fundamental tool for enabling art in the digital realm by providing a structured canvas for organizing and presenting artistic elements.
my own personal park (offline) An intersection for private and public spaces.
data.art (online) Interpretations of information as aesthetic.
Non-Playable Characters (online) Non-playable Characters explores over-population and identity fraud.
The Elaborator (online?) Criticism as collaborative exploration of existing artworks.
Faux-Fauna (online) Animals are extinct. There are only fakes.
THE BUG (online) Implant industry soundtrack. Because in today's fast-paced world, who has time for traditional learning? Just hear it, and you'll know it. Transform your mind, effortlessly.
Upcoming: Psiedosceunce (online)